Pastes for Terminal Electrodes of Passive Components (UNIMEC)

Pastes for Terminal Electrodes of Passive Components applications
Key Features
These electro-conductive pastes are sintered to suit specific processes, and are used for terminal electrodes of passive components for surface mounting, such as resistors, MLCCs and inductors. We are working to achieve lead-free products.
Property Data
Product Number |
Characteristics | Applications | Viscosity [Pa・s] |
Application Method |
Curing Conditions |
Volume Resistivity [Ω・cm] |
Adhesive Strength [N/mm2] |
H9139 | Standard | The plating groundwork of dexterous chip resistor |
17 | Dipping method | 200℃, 30min. | 2.5×10-4 | 17 |
H9143 | Low-cost | The plating groundwork of dexterous chip resistor |
17 | Dipping method | 200℃, 30min. | 4.0×10-4 | 12 |
H 9117S | for print | The plating groundwork of dexterous chip resistor |
60 | Screen printing | 200℃, 30min. | 0.9×10-4 | 16 |
H9132 | Low resistance | The plating groundwork of chip inductor |
35 | Dipping method | 200℃, 30min. | 0.3×10-4 | 15 |
H9144 | Soft termination | MLCC termination for two layers |
13 | Dipping method | 200℃, 30min. | 2.9×10-4 | 23 |
H9198 | Soft termination | MLCC termination for two layers |
45 | Dipping method | 170℃, 30min. | 2.0×10-4 | 18 |
H9480 | Low resistance | Tantalum capacitor, For lead frame bonding |
54 | Transcript | 150℃, 30min. | 0.4×10-4 | 17 |
H9480S | Low resistance | Tantalum capacitor, For taking out electrode |
22 | Dipping method | 150℃, 30min. | 0.4×10-4 | 17 |
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