
Materials Supply

NAMICS’ materials purchasing policy

Inspired by our corporate philosophy “to achieve universal happiness and a prosperous natural environment through creativity and innovation”, NAMICS is expanding our sales around the world. We are fully compliant with the social standards not only in Japan but also in our partners’ countries throughout the procurement process. We seriously take our social responsibility, including environmental conservation, and continue to strive for mutual prosperity with our partners while maintaining and further developing our current successful relationships.

1. Procurement of Best Possible Materials

We carefully select our partners and carry out our business with them according to our rational and clear standards regarding quality control, price, stability of supply, company reliability, environmental conservation, and non-use of conflict minerals.

2. Striving for Fair Procurement at the Most Reasonable Price

In principle, we compare and evaluate quotes from multiple partners to ensure a fair partners fairly and as equals.

3. Promoting Green Procurement

We promote green procurement with consideration for natural resource protection and environmental conservation.

4. Compliance

We strictly comply with the social standards in our partners’ countries.

5. Confidentiality

We strictly maintain the confidentiality of information obtained from our partners in the procurement process.

6. Respect for Human Rights, Occupational Health & Safety

We respect basic human rights in our partners’ business and endeavor to ensure occupational safety and health.

Requests for Business Partners Promoting CSR Activities

With “Social contribution through our business,” “Legal compliance,” and “Respect for human rights” as our basic CSR policy, we emphasize CSR in all aspects of our corporate activities, including environmental conservation, global supply system, compliance in general corporate activities, and actions that conform to social ethics, and we are reviewing it continuously to improve our level. In such CSR activities, we respect and promote the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA)* Code of Conduct, and we also prepare a CSR report every year which is compliant with the Core option of the standard disclosure items indicated in the Global Reporting Initiative’s “Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (GRI Standard)”, an international reporting guideline.

We ask our business partners to understand and promote the importance of these CSR activities and to cooperate in fulfilling their social responsibilities throughout the value chain.
* The world’s largest industrial alliance that promotes CSR in the global supply chain.
More than 210 companies from the electrical, automobile, and retail industries have joined and published a code of conduct.

In order to start business

In order to realize our materials purchasing policy and promote CSR activities, we ask for your cooperation in the following matters when starting business with us.

Stable product supply and BCP

Since many electronic products are considered as social useful infrastructure nowadays, we believe that providing a stable and continuous product supply is also part of our social contribution through our business. Therefore, we ask you to provide basic information such as supply capacity and the existence of a business continuity plan (BCP).

To encourage an appropriate competitive environment

Generally, we will match estimates from multiple business partners and hope to build an appropriate competitive environment. For products to be adopted, please provide clear price information in advance.

Promotion of CSR activities in accordance with the RBA Code of Conduct

  • Labor: All work must be voluntary, and forced labor must be completely excluded. Child laborers must not be used and please pay the utmost attention to the working environment for young workers. We ask you to comply with the law regarding working hours and wages, and to comply with the law regarding all types of harassment, discrimination, and other inhumane treatment, and to implement initiatives to eliminate the risk of such inhumane treatment.
  • Health and safety: Please make efforts to reduce potential hazards to workers. Pregnant women and mothers raising children should make further efforts to eliminate risks. Please also make a response procedure in the event of an emergency. Please disseminate information on worker safety risks on a daily basis and conduct regular training.
  • Environment: Please make efforts to reduce waste of natural resources and actively implement material replacement and recycling. Please ensure the management of chemical substances that are harmful to human and nature so that they are properly stored, recycled, and disposed. Comply with all applicable laws, regulations and our requirements regarding the prohibition or restriction of certain substances.
    We have established the NAMICS Green Procurement Standards and are working to protect the environment and manage hazardous substances by verifying chemical substances contained in parts materials with the cooperation of our business partners. We ask for your cooperation in confirming “Green Procurement Activities” and investigating chemical substances contained in your products.
  • Ethics: We prohibit all forms of bribery, corruption, extortion and embezzlement and have no relationship with antisocial forces or groups that threaten the order and safety of civil society. In addition, we manage intellectual property and privacy appropriately in compliance with laws and regulations. We have established a system to ensure that the confidentiality and anonymity of whistleblowers is protected in the unlikely event that fraud is discovered, and we are also creating an environment where concerns can be raised without fear of retaliation. We ask our business partners to do the same.
    We do not use materials mined or produced in environments suspected of human rights violations. To avoid using minerals related to organizations that are complicit in human rights violations, we ask for your cooperation in so-called conflict minerals surveys. Please check the “Responsible Minerals Sourcing Policy” and submit “Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT)” and “Extended Minerals Reporting Template (EMRT)“.
  • Management System: Regarding the above-mentioned “Labor”, “Health and Safety”, “Environment”, and “Ethics”, please continue to make efforts to ensure that your business is operated in the correct manner. We ask you to establish a process that is reviewed at least once a year for the latest applicable laws, regulations and our requirements, and that you undergo regular training and self-assessment. Please inform your business partners of our requirements regarding CSR activities and ask them to comply with them too.

List of documents to be confirmed and submitted upon business transactions

Documents, etc. Links, etc. Related item
RBA Code of Conduct RBA Code of Conduct
Product Information Survey Product Information Survey Supply Capacity, BCP, Pricing Information
Green Procurement Survey Green Procurement Survey Environment
Documents related to conflict minerals Responsible Minerals Sourcing Policy
Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT)
Extended Minerals Reporting Template (EMRT)


Purchasing Group,
Administration Division
Tel : +81-258-5601